Calligramme Project


                                                                Artist Statement: 
Written above is a letter to my future self with my hopes, some dreams, and other current information that my 40-year-old self would enjoy looking back on. The included image represents the growth and personal change that I hope to endure over the next 20 years as I continue to learn more about myself. I look forward to reading this in the future and seeing how much of my life has changed and how many things came true that I hoped for. The calligramme is a flower and butterfly made up of words from the letter. Not only are there words from the letter but there are also words of affirmation and goals that I hope to achieve/continue to achieve. Adobe Illustrator was used to achieve the look of the calligramme and the ability to replace the outline of the flower with the words chosen. Some issues present in the calligramme are obviously the petals of the flower. Using the words to outline the shape made the appearance look different than it does in the sketch. As well as the wings of the butterfly coming out differently. The orientation of the loops in each of these examples is what made it difficult to incorporate the words to perfectly outline the original shape. 


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